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CSI for Industrial and Municipal Personnel

Industrial stormwater permittees are required to stay in compliance with their stormwater permits based upon their industrial activities. Those activities are categorized by "Sectors" and most Industrial permits are adopted as Multi-Sector General Permits (MSGP). This means that all MSGP permits have common pollution prevention requirements for all regulated activities, plus Sector-Specific requirements for prevalent activities.

In addition to developing, amending, and maintaining Stormwater Pollution Prevent Plans (SWPPPs), industrial facilities need to conduct monthly, quarterly, and annual inspections, they may need to conduct Analytical Benchmark Monitoring (of stormwater / meltwater discharges), they need to conduct regular employee training, and they need to ensure that their activities do not add pollutants to discharges from their properties.

Municipal personnel need to understand their authority and discretion for inspecting industrial facility activities, and they need to understand permit requirements for all 29 of the Industrial Sectors, which are listed below. Additionally, municipalities operate industrial activities that require NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits. These activities often include Landfills, Water Treatment Plants, Airports, and Marinas.

Permits require that the Stormwater Team be "Qualified Personnel" to conduct inspections.  National Stormwater Center certifies graduates.  This certification indicates that the services our graduates conduct are being performed by professionals who have met the established standards of knowledge, experience, and competence required in the field of stormwater inspections.  National Stormwater Center's CSI courses deliver the specific training required for Permittees and Municipal Inspectors to be successful in their responsibilities.

Additionally, our Certified Employee Training program offers Industrial Permittees a low-cost and effective way to meet the employee training requirement of their MSGP.  These Industrial Sector training videos are one hour on demand subcriptions which award employee with .10 CEU's and fulfill your industrial permit employee training requirements.

Industrial Sectors

A. Timber Products

B. Paper and Allied Products

C. Chemical and Allied Products

D. Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricants

E. Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Products

F. Primary Metals

G. Metal mining (Ore Mining and Dressing)

H. Coal Mines and Coal Mining Related Facilities

I. Oil and Gas Extraction

J. Mineral Mining and Dressing

K. Hazardous Waste Storage Facilities

L. Landfills and Land Application Sites

M. Automobile Salvage Yards

N. Scrap Recycling Facilities

O. Steam Electric Generating Facilities

P. Land Transportation and Warehousing

Q. Water Transportation

R. Ship and Boat Building or Repairing Yards

S. Air Transportation

T. Treatment Works

U. Food and Kindred Products

V. Textile Mills, Apparel, & Other Fabric Product Manufacturing, Leather & Leather Products

W. Furniture and Fixtures

X. Printing and Publishing

Y. Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, & Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries

Z. Leather Tanning and Finishing

AA. Fabricated Metal Products

AB. Transportation Equipment, Industrial or Commercial Machinery

AC. Electronic, Electrical, Photographic, and Optical Goods