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Welcome CACEO Members!

National Stormwater Center is very pleased to announce specialized stormwater inspection training classes for California Code Enforcement Officers!  CACEO members are now able to register for webinar-based classes and OnDemand video subscriptions.  Our class line up includes:

    • Stormwater for Leaders 
    • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
    • Certified Stormwater Inspector - CACEO

There will be a minimum of one instructor-led webinar per class per quarter, and we will schedule additional classes to meet demand.  The OnDemand subscriptions are available 24/7.  Here is a link to our online class calendar.

Webinar-based and OnDemand Training

There are two differences between the instructor-led and OnDemand classes:

1)  Webinar attendees are able to ask questions, share experiences with their peers, and interact with the instructor and the audience in the webinar setting, while those who choose OnDemand can email questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2)  OnDemand viewers are able to view and review videos during the subscription period (minimum of 30 days).  These are instructor-led videos and emailed questions will be addressed by National Stormwater Center instructors.

Class Descriptions:

Certified Stormwater Inspector (CACEO-CSI) **OnDemand video-based classes coming soon!**

MS4 permits require municipalities to implement the 6 Minimum Control Measures, track and measure their effectiveness, and make corrections as needed.  Municipal stormwater inspectors must understand the MS4 permit, as well as construction and industrial permits, and municipal ordinances.. These Inspectors visit construction sites, industrial sites, and commercial enterprises to ensure compliance. Understanding their role, authority, discretion, and the demeanor Inspectors should display is critical to their success, and to the implementation of the community's stormwater pollution prevention program.  Additionally, they often need to form alliances and partnerships with neighboring municipalities and watershed districts, they need to inform and educate citizens, and these field personnel need to be ever-vigilant in identifying and preventing illicit discharges.

Webinar-based classes are $600 for a twelve-hour (2 day) instructor-led course, including breaks and live Q&A.  The resulting certification is valid for a period of five years and may be renewed for an additional five years via a one-day Re-Certification course.  Here are links to CACEO-CSI classes already scheduled for 2025:

Stormwater for Leaders

Leaders facilitate the code enforcement process for officers whose responsibilities lie squarely between policy making, law enforcement, and litigation. The U.S. Congress, state legislatures, city councils and county boards of supervisors adopt policies, codes, rules and regulations to solve problems or respond to federal, state, or community mandates.  Local enforcement officials and those Leaders who support policies, codes, rules, and regulations are obligated to understand the complexities of the program and the impact on code enforcement officers. 

Designed specifically for CACEO members in Stormwater leadership roles, this online webinar course focuses on stormwater permit compliance, local issues, and strategies for implementation as the keys to restoring and maintaining the waters of the United States.

OnDemand video-based classes are $100 for a two hour session. Questions should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  National Stormwater Center instructors will respond promptly.  Here is a link to subscribe to CACEO's Stormwater For Leaders OnDemand training video:

Webinar-based classes are $150 for a three hour session, which includes breaks and live Q&A.  Here are links to webinar-based classes:

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

The Clean Water Act requires municipalities to effectively prohibit non-stormwater discharges into municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).  We all know the phrase "only rain in the drain" but how do we enforce that?  What exactly is an illicit discharge or a non-stormwater discharge?  Is an illicit discharge illegal?  

This class is designed specifically for those personnel whose duties take them into communities where they have the best opportunity to recognize and potentially eliminate illicit discharges, either by stopping it at the source  through outreach and education or by reporting it.

OnDemand video-based classes are $50 for a one hour session. Questions should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  National Stormwater Center instructors will respond promptly.  Here is a link to subscribe to CACEO's IDDE OnDemand training video:

Webinar-based classes are $100 for a two hour instructor-led session, including live Q&A.  Here are links to webinar-based classes: