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M–F, 9:00am–4:00pm EST


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(888) 397-9414

9:00am EST–4:00pm PST

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M–F, 9:00am–4:00pm EST

Water Quality Standards, 303(d) Lists, TMDLs (EST)

Title 3 of our nation’s Clean Water Act sets out how states are to establish water quality goals, determine whether their waters meet goals and develop recovery plans for waters impaired by pollutants. Waters found not to meet goals are reported to EPA on a list required by Section 303(d) of the Act, so they’re commonly referred to as “303(d) listed waters.” Regulated dischargers to listed waters, including Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, are required by their NPDES permits to control discharges so waters can recover.

Where waters are impaired by pollutants, recovery plans titled “Total Maximum Daily Loads” or “TMDLs” allocate pollutant loading among contributing sources and may establish other monitoring and control requirements. Some MS4 discharges are subject to requirements established through TMDLs. We’ll see some examples.

Public participation opportunities are offered in each step of water quality planning. National Stormwater Center encourages all stakeholders, and particularly MS4s, to get involved. This training is designed to give MS4 staff the basics they’ll need to become effectively involved in setting goals for local waters, assessing whether the quality of those waters meets goals and developing recovery plans for waters that don’t.

We’ll discuss these subjects:

  • Water quality standards, use classification, criteria, antidegradation
  • Monitoring and assessment
  • 303(d) listing and implications for MS4 permits
  • Pollutants, water quality models, TMDLs, waste load allocation, load allocation, margin of safety, seasonal variation, reasonable assurance, implementation plans
  • Why and how MS4s should be involved

Course Length:  1 day/4 hours 12:00 PM (EDT) - 4:00 PM (EDT)

Location: Online Webinar. Registered students will receive a detailed email prior to the start date. This email will include specific class daily start & end times and Go To Webinar link information.

Terms:  Class starting time subject to change.  Registration fee is non-refundable. Course fee may be applied to another scheduled class, transferred to another registrant, or it will be refunded if cancellation received a minimum of 14 days prior to class start date.  Certificates of Participation and .4 CEUs awarded by National Stormwater Center will be issued to attendees. Registered students will receive a detailed email prior to the start date. This email will include specific webinar registration and login information.

Cancellations: Class fees are refunded if received 14 days prior to start date, registration fees are non-refundable. Substitutions are allowed with notification to our business office. Cancellation or reschedule requests made less than 14 days of the class start date may not receive a refund nor a transfer. You agree to these terms when registering for the training.

Event Properties

Event Date 07-23-2025 12:00 pm
Event End Date 07-23-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 07-21-2025
Capacity 15
Individual Price $324 + registration
Speaker To Be Determined
Number Hours 4
Location Online Webinar
Categories MS4 Stormwater Field Personnel, Construction & Development Personnel, Consultants, Floodplain and Watershed Personnel, Industrial Personnel, Legal Representatives, Military / Federal Facilities, Municipal Permit Management Personnel, POTW Personnel, Public Works, Tribal Organizations

Group Rate

#Registrants Rate/Person ($)
1 324.00
2 299.00

Venue Information - Online Webinar

You will receive an email notification to register for the online webinar approximately two weeks before the class start date.